Baldur's gate 2 watcher's keep. Every other quest line is "Hurry, please save my keep" and "Hurry, please stop the druids" and "Hurry, please save my town. Baldur's gate 2 watcher's keep

 Every other quest line is "Hurry, please save my keep" and "Hurry, please stop the druids" and "Hurry, please save my townBaldur's gate 2 watcher's keep  If you have a small party, then some fights in SoA will still be challenging due to that, although the way the mechanics work it's generally better to have 2 high level characters than 6 mediums

The stone keep was built out of. Watcher's Keep, Level 3 (AR3003 - AR3015) Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know! Overview This level of the keep is a thirteen. Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor CREATING A CHARACTER | GENERAL TIPS AND TRICKS | NPCs | ITEM LISTS | SHOPS Watcher's Keep: Outside | Ritual. In Throne of Bhaal, this is your personal "butler" Cespenar whom you will meet at 4 in you Hellish Pocket Plane. This "wand" has no functionality and when found, it also lacks some pieces. All liches, including Azamantes, are naturally immune to non-magical weapons and spells of level one through five. Watcher's Keep: Dropped by Aesgareth's party at 35 on the Maze Level of Watcher's Keep. I had to rely on wishing 2 times to boost my party and summons to 25 along with improved haste. Wild surge sex change in Watcher's keep Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn PC . Yochlol on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms. He will ask for your help in restoring the seals on the 'imprisoned. 349. Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of Bhaal, Baldur's Gate 3, Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark and Dragon Age: Origins are. r/baldursgate. The order doesn't matter. A comprehensive guide to the Watcher's Keep area of Baldur's Gate 2 Online, a huge dungeon where you can explore the ancient enemy The Imprisoned One and other. "North" is the direction where you will always arrive in a new room. Boomerang Dagger (Throwing dagger +2, infinite ammo) Captain Dennis in Delosar's Inn at the Bridge District drop this item when killed. Case of Plenty +1 (unlimited +1 crossbow bolts) 1st floor of Watcher's Keep. It takes everything you've learned in the game and tests your understanding of the game. December 2015. If you choose to leave, then Watcher's Keep is complete for you. The expansions for the Baldur's Gate games were released either as modified and possible improved games, or as installable update packs for an already installed base game. 349. When you first head over to the ritual altar (#5), you'll see a guardian statue behind it, and it will indicate that the altar should contain a Holy Book, a Bell, and a Candle. Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of Bhaal, Baldur's Gate 3, Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark and Dragon Age: Origins are. It will agree to open the portal to the next level, if you free it from its prison. 7K Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 58 UI Discussion and Workshop; 6. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn; Can't talk to npc's. 2 - Knights of the Vigil The Compass Level (aka Maze Level) is the 3rd level of Watcher's Keep. I pick a card and get disease or sometimes curse, but my strength. As long as you know what you're doing, it's relatively easy. Dropped by Aesgareth's party at 35 on the Maze Level of Watcher's Keep. The +4 is a straight upgrade - a gain of 2 damage and 1 THAC0. Real Posts: 68. CrevsDaak 7,155. You meet the gambling Cambion Aesgareth in the maze of the third level of Watcher's Keep. I shouldn't try to do logic puzzles before I wake up. can be found in the pool of poison at the second floor of Watcher's Keep. The Mind key is a reward from completeing the globe puzzle in Watcher's Keep Final Seal. Once unlocked, several Ferrumach Rilmani led by an Auramach Rilmani will appear and attack the party. This silver scepter key from the elemental room of ice is inlaid with white diamonds. Bug in Watcher's Keep, Str red and 6 and Char Silenced permanently! So I just was in the maze lvl in the watcher's keep and played the card game with the cambion and as a result the spells aren't leaving even though I rest. Opens the doors off of the Ice Library. Watcher's Keep has a stairway on the southwest side, aside from the one that takes you to the top, which has multiple entrances to each level of Watcher's Keep, assuming you've unlocked them. There are two parts to BGII: ToB: an. Your party at the left side of the room. This portal leads to the Outside Area. When do you do Watcher's Keep? booinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164. Watcher's Keep,. Once you have the Crystal Mallet from 15, come back here. July 2014. a Deck of Many Things therewith, from caverns measureless to Gith, for Sceptre gem number three. zur312 Member Posts: 1,366. On the last area of the third level of Watcher's Keep, you will find Aesgareth. In a room just west of your own cell in the dungeon. This also occurred for the Demogorgon encounter in Watcher's Keep. As soon as you arrive on the Elemental Level, the Chromatic Demon will speak to you. Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal: 11: 09-14-2004 05:31 AM: Ice Golem (Watchers Keep) Big_Daddy02: Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal: 4: 10-02-2003 05:59 PM: To Kill a Crystal Golem: Dmouse: Icewind Dale | Heart of Winter | Icewind Dale II Forum: 2: 10-02-2002 12:13 PM: How to I kill the Crystal. Elfergos 12 years ago #1. It will open the north door of the Ice chamber and the south door of the Fire Chamber. . Where is the air scepter it did not dropped after I killed the grater elemental of air and I can not use cheats to get it not because I do not want to its just that it does not work and ee keeper does not work either. 1. umm, the chamber is 2 rooms after the stone with the purifier in it. Unfortunately, not true in BG2. Gold and Gem Angurvadal +4 Purple Oil Montolio's Clasp Watcher's Keep Walkthrough Baldur's Gate II section at Mike's RPG Center. After playing through the top level it really got me to thinking about when people actually go there. Contents 1 Guide 2. This dungeon will prove to be one of the most difficult areas in the entire game, so make sure your party is ready for it before continuing on. Immediately two statues came to life. itm; 20,000 Mod content []Watcher's keep torch room. the level drain as it makes you immune. You now have four options: First, you can believe the Imprisoned One and agree to help him get. He will ask for your help in restoring the seals on the 'imprisoned one' inside the dungeon. During the Time of Troubles Helm was the only god to not be cast down on Toril. Trouble killing Ice Golem on level 2 of Watchers keep - Jun 28, 01 watchers keep 2 lvl cant kill chromatic demon - May 23, 03 How do I ring the bell in Watcher's keep - Jul 9, 08Paroni Posts: 10. Level 4 starts with some Illithids and is followed by some Gith. This transfers your entire party, except that that one character you. Need Help With Saladrex (Solved) Cinquain Member Posts: 12. Magic Golems are magical constructs created by mages. timestop + shapechange if you really want to be cheesy. The madness of being normal explains the rationality of going crazy. The equipment becomes useful in and after Amkethran, so do it when you feel like it, but before setting off to Amkethran. You are fairly underlevelled for Watcher's Keep. You'll find a Bag of Holding at Spellhold. I am honestly having a hard time deciding what to do with it. He is trapped inside a machine which allows him to summon any creature he wants, yet he is invulnerable to its attacks. ShadowWolf Posts: 33. January 2015. The bare minimum where you can get through this level will be F13->M14. This was according to playtesting conducted by Kevin Martens, who was the Co-Lead Designer of Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and the Lead Designer of Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. Google suggests that the expected answer is seven though, so maybe it is just a mistake. Crystal Mallet is an quest item which is needed at the fourth floor of Watcher's Keep (dungeon). You will visit this map with an avatar by using Warrior's Skull on the spirit altar in Watcher's Keep Final Seal. You can travel to Watcher's Keep during chapters 2, 3, and 6 in Shadows of Amn, and during chapters 8 (after you have escaped Saradush) and 9 in Throne of Bhaal. Again, idk if this still works in EE. The dead magic zones also greatly limits your prebuffing to spell immunities, contingiencies, spelltriggers and other effects that are not easily dispelable. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. You can gamble for a few rare items (a scroll of Wish or the. -Use the deck for whatever outcome you want (or don't). Dagger +3. itm; RNDTRE04. Baldur's Gate Role-playing video game Gaming. However, you can do Watcher's Keep during both. It's needed to break the glass of the Machine of Lum the Mad and to free Carston from his life sustaining cage in which he is trapped for more than ten years. AR3018. SPOILER ALERT After trying and dying about 6 times I figured out how to kill him fairly easy. Information on this page and that page overlap in some subjects, but both together will fill out the questline. Use the Tinderbox. You have to finish the Saradush main quest (dealing with Gromnir) before you can get to Watcher's Keep. -Export the character. Githyanki Encampment is a subarea of the Machine of Lum the Mad Level, the 4th level of Watcher's Keep. The diary explains that to shatter the crystal and let Carston out, you must strike the crystal six times with a Crystal Mallet. Jon's Key. . Comments shawne Posts: 3,239 May 2013 I recommend going during the early part of "Throne of Bhaal",. Hi, I finished first level of watcher's keep, only the irom golem remained, so i went to sleep before confronting it, sold some stuff outside and when I re-enter the dungeon the golem is nowhere to be found. Explore. Melissan will be defeated and you will have a difficult choice to make. The Watcher's Keep. It is available in both versions of the game while the Throne of Bhaal is installed. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. For the second game, you'll draw Guile (attacked by six assassins) or Strength (stat-cursed), while Aesgareth will draw Defiance or Empress. Accept its challenge, and it asks you a riddle. Life is measured not by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Guide. death at -4 penalty or be disintegrated. Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign Shadows of Amn: Throne of Bhaal (2001). This is where you'll arrive after traveling to Watcher's Keep on the overhead map. You have no choice but to accept. Thesblah Member Posts: 56. Complete Shadows of Amn. Take a swing at Watcher's Keep before you leave for Spellhold in Chapter 3 and then try again after you get back from the Underdark, see how it goes then. He is immune to +3 and. Watcher's Keep - Fire Giant I cannot kill the fire giant although I killed the fire elementals in the ice room. After restoring them, they regained their levels but are now 2million experience short of a level up. Jun 19, 2018 @ 8:25am Watcher's Keep, The Final Seal, Spirit Warrior Following my mind being tranferred to a Spirit Warrior, I follow the neccessary steps to solve the maze. I prefer to clear the first floor or two rather early. As their weaknesses are counter-intuitive to most parties, they can pose a serious threat to those unprepared to deal with them. I can usually get a couple of folks to level up and as people have mentioned there is gear to be had that will minimize inventory problems since you will be on the move for quite a while from that point on. According to Wiki: Status Effects, you can also block the level drain effect with Barbarian Rage or with Enrage. Who do you usually side with in Watcher's Keep? My guy is a lawful evil blackguard, so I think I'll side with the Baatezu. Cone of Cold. Chapter 10: Throne of Baal. Ixil's Spike. Watcher's Keep Level 3 maze: Read the Madman's Journal to learn about how to get through the maze by the most direct method: 1. That is: North points to the upper left of the screen, East the upper right, South the lower right, and West as the lower left. Then when you turn the key, you'll open its associated lock, and you'll get attacked by something. Not usable by: Druids, Mages, and Thieves. Unfortunately, there are some rooms in watcher's keep, specifically the third floor, that guarantee spell failure. The finale for the game, nay - the whole series! You have no time to rest (short of high-Wisdom Wish spells - use a Potion of Insight, save, cast Wish, and take the. The next riddle is a game of coins. My party is seriously overpowered, but underfunded. The Imprisoned One will speak to you as soon as you arrive in the 6th level of Watcher's Keep. Yes - can be skipped and kill golems instead. r/baldursgate. Sorry you did not like it so much. If you want to store excess items, just put them in a chest in Watcher's Keep. There are several new weapons, a higher level cap, a further refined Infinity graphics engine, and new class-related features and. One of them is needed to venture forth. September 2018. I went up to the alter and placed the bell and candle in the alter with the book. They were added in with BG EE, along with handy features like bigger ammo stacks and paused-inventory screen. -Don't know if the directions are entirely correct here (kinda hard to go from memory. For the second game, you'll draw Guile (attacked by six assassins) or Strength (stat-cursed), while Aesgareth will draw Defiance or Empress. You can find these combinations in Carston's Journal plus the eight Handwritten Notes sprinkled throughout the keep (two on this level, three on Level 1, and three on Level 2). Helm of the Rock. It has a weight of 1 lbs. The objective is to not take the last coin: - Take two coins. Your goal of this floor is to open the seal into the Imprisoned One's. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; World. • 15 days ago. 2 - Slime Library In the shelves in this room, you'll find a Slime Library Note (a clue for the Ice Lab, #10) and a key. Release: Expansions: 1 available. dunbar Posts: 1,603. Saladrex the Ancient One (as referred to by the Githyanki Captain) has his lair on the fourth level of Watcher's Keep, accessible from the Githyanki encampment. that you can get by doing Hexxat's first quest and there is another one that I think has unlimited storage somewhere in Watcher's Keep. Push all button four times each to receive four globes of each color. 05%. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. When the dragon goes down, the Helmite Ghost also appears to tell you that you have completed the Bravery test. March 2016. It is given to you by Brother Pol after talking to him. Publisher: Interplay. The chest at (x=890, y=560) contains the Flint and Tinder. That is completely intended. Three of these creatures will spawn along with Azamantes, a powerful Lich. Advice for Succubi. Each part of the machine can produce 4 globes of one color, 4 blue, 4 red, 4 purple, 4 green. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Immediately when you enter this lair, you should get an idea what awaits you inside. I tried skull traps (no deaths but damage), exiting the room to recuperate while throwing area spells, and I keep getting. He will offer to play a game with you involving the Deck of Many Things. This is the diary of an apprentice of Carston, the mad mage in the Machine of Lum the Mad. With the Crystal Mallet, you can go back to the Machine of Lum the Mad. The third level of Watcher's Keep is a twisty little maze of passages, all alike. The de'Arnise Keep is the main building in the de'Arnise Hold area in Shadows of Amn. Kinda worked but I relied heavily on cheese and RNG. - After you've killed all the statues the giant statue talks to you and asks for the ritual which is:. It tells the story of how you are captured and tortured by the archmage Jon Irenicus, of your escape from his dungeon, and of your. As a Green Dragon, it has Poisonous breath and uses attacks that affect mobility and spellcasting ability. Once there, GO BACK to the Fan room and RE-ACTIVATE the giant fan. Since this is a fairly difficult dungeon, I suggest that you wait until Throne of Bhaal. Explore. Sister Garlena's store is also a nice place to sell things you think you *might* want. Blue. The Thieves' Hood is a unique piece of headgear that can only be equipped by thieves of all class combinations and kits. Descriptions. BG 1 and SOD worked fine but in BG 2 EE I have a serious problem. Developer: BioWare. Transitions. Hope this help. The best consolidated resource for news and information on D&D computer games; walkthroughs, screenshots, downloads, fantasy books, movies and more. To begin this final adventure in the Bhaal Saga, click the Throne of Bhaal button. This item appears in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. The Watcher's Keep is a huge dungeon found to the northwest of Saradush. Watcher's Keep is an add-in--able to be played from either the Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal side-- and it sure does feel like it. Companions;. Casting Remove Curse will cure the Plague effect. The start of the 3 challenges testing my heart, mind and spirit. All three are needed to restore the Scepter of Radiance. Join. Green Globe All four globes weigh 1 lb. It is inactive, however, and needs to be activated. March 2015. This stone looks as if it has been split in half. Entrance. Confirmed (tested on BG1 and 2 Enhanced Editions). -Use the deck for whatever outcome you want (or don't). Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. As described above, your inventory will be dropped at your feet within the cage you start off in, allowing you to pick everything up. Druids can wear it as well, because the armor is made from the scales of a beast and not worked metal. It can be found on the elemental level of Watcher's Keep in the pool filled with poison. Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced. The order doesn't matter. He provides useful information about Carston and the warring factions. The left portal here leads to the Watcher's Keep perimeter, while the right portal leads down to the fifth level of Watcher's Keep. Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of Bhaal, Baldur's Gate 3, Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark and Dragon Age: Origins are. 5 - Dragon's Breath - Highly damaging nuke that ignores magical resistance. Just let him walk around uselessly and reapply blind if needed. If you are still playing Shadows of Amn, you can now travel to the dungeon of Watcher's Keep on your BGII: SoA map. I sometimes do the first floor quite early (levels 10-13, quite early SoA), then usually get out of there and return later. Then when you turn the key, you'll open its associated lock, and you'll get attacked by something. Once you activate the Seal, draw the marilith (Y'Tossi) and the Kensai Lady (Yxuan-whatever-the-heck) on the bottom room. Go back to the main hallway and up to the altar at the top of the room. This transfers your entire party, I believe including one particular character you aren't supposed to have at that point. question about Watcher's Keep and resting 12 votes. 7K Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition; 58 UI Discussion and Workshop; 6. I add a couple of mods, (unfinished business, one of the g3 mods), and there's one sold by a merchant in the armorer/fletcher in the promenade. Clearly this is a bug but I can't continue playing with str 6. The issue is really less about luring a demi-lich over traps and more about forcing him to waste his spells. Neither one exists in SoA proper. Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign Throne of Bhaal: Entrance Map notes Requirements. If I were playing Evil, especially if it were Lawful Evil, then I'd. im having some trouble with the demons in the second anti magic chamber. The Quiver of Plenty +1 supplies an unlimited amount of Arrow +1 when equipped in the quiver. The recipients morale will. September 2018. bernardo_ercoli. The new non-player character makes an outstanding addition to the main cast. I just can't kill him. Watcher's Keep. the ones right after the big fight with the named demon. There are 729 possible combinations, but only nine of them give a fixed result. Doing so will cure his insanity, after which you'll receive 5000 experience points and learn that his real name is Tamorlin. Fantasy. +2 mace of disruption then you get to the exit without suffering. December 2013 edited December 2013. never rest. (Not the lich) Sadly, it does not seem to work on Minsc, (other than fully healing his hp) no matter how many times you may try. Every portal I take leads to another set of. With the other rod found at 3, they merge to form a key needed in another area. Luckily I'm not playing no-reload, and gave up on minimal a while back. There are a large number of frost covered. Watcher's Keep walkthrough Baldur’s Gate 2 buffs Beginner tips Baldur's Gate 2 mod installation order and good mods (basic mod installation and advanced/multiple). Watcher's Keep Entrance is one of the areas from the World Map . There's much more to be said about Throne of Bhaal. " I have the items needed (they weren't dropped due to full. Below is what the globes do. gender is Summoned Demon. North to. Will drop Tahazzar's Heart and Scepter Gem when killed. After you have caused enough damage to Melissan, Solar will appear anounce you the victor. **Edit** Just found out you mean Nightmare mode, I was referring to the highest "regular" mode called Insane. Baldur's Gate Wiki. Map of Watchers Keep Area for Baldurs Gate II: Throne of BhaalBaldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. the last person I can get to chat is the guy behind the. Explore. You can gamble for a few rare items (a scroll of Wish or the Spectral Brand), as well as a gemstone. When the creature finally falls, grab the Portal Key, Ixil's Spike, and Circlet of Netheril (which can be upgraded to a more powerful version) from its corpse, then head through the right portal to continue further into Watcher's Keep. 2-3 days ago, I was wondering if I get overwhelmed or bored by the gameplay because everything seemed too complicated. Tahazzar is a demon found in Watcher's Keep Compass Level. All of the online walkthroughs tell you how to beat the level and go to level 4, NONE tell you how to go to. neighter the fire nor the ice doors will open. In addition, the LUM codes written as numbers so you can just input them with keyboard and be done with it. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. 5K Modding; 3. I'm just trying to beat it early coz I cleared most quests (excluding personal quests of some NPC's I didnt play with), I'm still on Chapter 2 and don't know where to go :P Killed both dragons as well and got their armor. Go to the northeast corner of the area and defeat the two Magic. 98 new. For the female human mage, as met during the stronghold quest Ranger-Protector of the Umar Hills at the Temple Ruins, see Tamorlin (Temple Ruins). Android Macintosh iOS (iPhone/iPad) Linux Macintosh Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. Baldur's Gate 2 avoided a lot of this by. It's not a *huge* deal, but it stops her from using her in-built haste. I am still in Chapter 2 and have finally gone to Watcher's keep. once i get into the room, 2 demons attack and. The Thieves' Hood is a unique piece of headgear that can only be equipped by thieves of all class combinations and kits. You can exit back out to the Outside Area from here. cre) encountered in area AR3006 on the. I've read the notes I've found and the ice room is filled with gas, golem seemed to respond to it. Baldur's Gate Walkthrough: Throne of Bhaal CRPG Homepage. I've had a few very close shaves and had to revive a few party members, but somehow I haven't died yet. The giant keeps regenerate. Key ring, wand container are not in the unmodded game, but you can find a contained to hold your ammunition in WK level 1. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal is a 2001 expansion pack for the role-playing video game Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. cre is encountered in Bodhi's Hunt Level 1 underneath. Games Baldur's Gate 2 Walkthroughs & Guides Walkthrough by Montresor Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor CREATING A CHARACTER | GENERAL TIPS AND. This flail head adds poison damage to the weapon. I was playing through the 3rd level of the watchers keep and came to the end with the demon and the game of cards and the same thing has happened numerous times causing me to reload. Other Areas: 1st Level 3rd Level: Treasures: Fire Library: Gold 6 Potions of Superior Healing; 50 Throwing Axes; 40. The portals you need to take to get out of this level if you start from the compass room: E, E, S, S, S, S, W, N, N, N. At the end I use the Wand of Missiles and then kill the mummy. Well, back then with vanilla bg2 i didn't touch Watcher's Keep till TOB. 20 minutes. Melissan will be defeated and you will have a difficult choice to make. In. You will also have to summon the djinn, via the limited wish scroll, and choose. The first globe is akin to a 6d6 Fireball, with a save vs Spell for half damage, except it has no school or spell type where Fireball is an Evocation spell of the. › Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Jon Irenicus' room on the upper level of Spellhold. *** In terms of making bank there are a couple ways. I would say 100 hours. You can find these combinations in Carston's Journal plus the eight. Throne of Bhaal (2013) Content from the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition campaign Throne of Bhaal: Transitions. Another small BG2 UE5 update - added Galvarey Estate, Gethras home, second level of the district ground and place for the market place. There were several times during my attempts of getting through Watcher's Keep when dialogue skipped and was forcibly closed. Website: is a devil found in Watcher's Keep Compass Level. -The first 2 statues are the hardest, but most of their damage comes from the fact they. December 2013. Keep Key. Enemies: Elemental, Air Giant Snake. The missing half can be found in another shelf nearby. 7K. The hostile crazy mage you un-imprison from the weird machine in the Underdark can be cured with the heal spell, as well. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Weight. . It is hostile right from the beginning and attacks on sight after a quick comment. In Baldur's Gate II - Throne of Bhaal, you'll uncover the mysteries of Watcher's Keep, explore new dungeons, and use the all-new character called the Wild Mage ; Additional Details . Hope this helps. You can counter that with a spell trap or a berserker. By doing this I get the infinite ammo items, the ammo belt, firetooth, and lots of XP. They are aligned with evil; corrupted and embittered by the process of transitioning to undeath, whether willingly or unwillingly. There is a bug with this item when placed in a gem bag, after you've collected all three scepter. This is in the room to the NW with four columns (blue, green, red and purple) where you get one of the keys. › Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Jun 19, 2018 @ 8:25am Watcher's Keep, The Final Seal, Spirit Warrior Following my mind being tranferred to a Spirit Warrior, I follow the neccessary steps to solve the maze. To do this, you'll need to complete a ritual. 3. WATCHER'S KEEP – OUTSIDE This is where you arrive when you travel to Watcher's Keep from any outside area in Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal. March 2015. I cleaned out Watcher's Keep level 1. You should be able to manage the first couple of levels before the expansion, although the third level is. I spent about a month powering through the first two games (doing everything along with mods) and I was wondering in general. We find an Anti-Paladin sword and finally meet a douchy red dragon. I had never beaten the demon at the end of level 2 before (in a decade of playing, on and off) so level 3 has been quite an eye opener.